Tips for Dealing with Lifes Changes and the Emotional Roller Coaster

Tips for Dealing with Change and that Emotional Roller Coaster
Focus on the things you are thankful for.   However, as you lose things and people, life becomes even more valuable.  When you stop taking things for granted, you love and enjoy what you have more.
Look for the silver lining.   As the saying goes, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"  When facing major challenges, attempt to check at them as opportunities for individual development.  Sometimes change the the catilist for wonderful improvements in our lives so don't be afraid face them head on.  Sometime we are strangled by quilt or remorse because we feel our very own poor decisions contributed to a stressful situation, reflect on these and learn from the errors.
As you age, there will be periods of both joy and stress. It is important to build your resilience and find healthy ways to cope with challenges.  This ability will help you make the most of the great times and keep your perspective.  Acknowledge and express your own feelings.   You may have difficulty showing emotions, perhaps feeling that your feelings make you feel weak and feeble.  But burying your feelings can result in bitterness, anger, and depression.  Do not deny what you're going through.  Find healthy ways to process your feelings, maybe by speaking with a close friend or writing in a diary.
Accept the things you can't alter.   As opposed to stressing out over them, focus on the things you may control such as the direction you decide to go and how you react to issues.  Face your limits with dignity and a healthy dose of humor.
Take daily action to manage life's challenges.   When a challenge appears too large to deal with, sweeping it under the carpet frequently appears the simplest option.  But ignoring the problem does not make it go away; it allows the issue and your anxiety to build.  Instead, take things one small step at a time.  A small step can go a long way to boosting your confidence and reminding you that you are not powerless.
Here at A Caring Hand for Mom (and Dad) we help people with information on life and health on our blog as well as help People find Assisted Living facilities, Memory Care facilities and Group homes throughout Arizona.  We are all licensed healthcare professionals who are here to help so call us at 800-881-7706 and visit our website
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