Keeping Stress Under Control


Diet and nutrition are important factors in maintaining proper health. Getting the proper amounts of nutrition is an integral factor in combating conditions related to psychological distress. This includes avoiding foods as that are high in sugar, caffeine, and alcohol.   Managing your metabolism. taking nutritional supplements comprising vitamins B, C, and calcium to encourage overall adrenal health is important.  Herbs like Rhodiola and Ashwagandha are helpful for combating stress and boosting health (but speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before adding new herbs to your diet as some may interact with other medications you are taking). Taking action to maintain equilibrium or repair imbalances and monitoring your hormone levels may battle many of the conditions of aging, including sleeplessness, low libido, memory loss, and weight gain. Hormones control everything within your system, acting as the body's chemical messengers to guarantee optimal functioning.  The aging process is unstoppable, but the way you look and feel within the course of a lifetime is significantly associated with hormone balance and lifestyle choices. Chronic stress initiates an increase in the total amount of cortisol secreted daily, which leads to weight gain, irritability, sleeplessness, mood disorders, reduced libido, higher blood sugar, and high blood pressure.  If you are noticing these changes in your life discuss them with your healthcare provider and ask them for recommendations.  Some focus more on traditional medications and some are more open to herbal supplements and alternative treatments.

Staying Healthy

Techniques such as yoga and deep belly breathing, cardiovascular exercise also  will help alleviate stress because it boosts levels of endorphins.  No matter how old you are don't forget strength training. Many women shy away from resistance training, yet this kind of exercise is vital for preserving bone density and a slender, toned look throughout our lives.

Our body's largest organ our skin reveals the signs of aging more than any other body part. The most important preventive measure you can take against the sun would be to build up your antioxidant levels and keep adequate levels of vitamin vitamins A, C, D and E.  Eating lots of brightly colored organic fruits and veggies also promotes levels of these vitamins.  These essential foods and vitamins operate liked natural sunscreen for your own body, aiding in the prevention of skin aging and skin cancer but don't forget sunscreenespecially when taking medications because they can reduce your bodies ability to ward off the effects of the sun.  Start looking for sunscreens with Titanium Dioxide based formulations and those that are "broad-spectrum" to protect against all types of damaging UV rays.

Over the last years, scientists have uncovered numerous evidence that sleep ( the quality and quantity of it) is imperative to your health."While you sleep, your body begins repairing itself in earnest,  fixing damage from the day and preparing your body to handle the next day.  Not getting enough sleep can also lead to chronic adult-onset ailments which could shorten lifespan like Diabetes and Obsiety.  Not getting enough sleep can substantially raise your insulin resistance.  and may exacerbate genetic influences, ideally you should achieve seven to eight hours of sleep every night--and that is a deep REM sleep, not merely lying in the bed.  Even more motivation to make sure your bedtime is restful and without distractions that can break up your sleep.

Here at A Caring Hand for Mom (and Dad) we try to offer information to keep you healthy throughout your lives.  We offer assistance to our clients with finding independent living communities, assisted living facilities, memory care options and group home throughout Arizona.  Our online directory gives you access to over 2000 listing throughout the state and as always the help of our licensed healthcare professionals are here to help you.  So call us today at 800-881-7706 for immediate assistance

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Healthy Eating Habits and Healthy Weight

Healthy Eating Habits
Why is maintaining a healthy weight important?  
You might notice changes in the makeup of your body as you age.  You may eliminate muscle mass, which may increase frailty.  Fewer calories may burn, especially if you aren't very active.  You might want to eat fewer calories than you did when you were younger to prevent weight gain.  This means that you have to make healthier choices when it comes to what food you eat.  So, you have to eat foods that are high in nutrients or are "nutrient dense."Maintaining a wholesome weight is crucial, but what is healthy varies from person to person.  Consult your healthcare provider about what is a healthy weight for you. As we age being over or under weight is of concern and may be associated with not having enough to eat,  having a disorder or an illness, or not eating foods that are nutrient rich. Many people stop cooking as much and start eating more prepared foods which may be higher in calories and have less nutritients. Eating sensibly and being active to maintain muscle and bone may help you maintain a healthy weight and strength as you get older.What is a healthy weight for me?  
Two measures if You're at a healthy weight for seeing are those:
    Your body mass index (BMI) is a measure of weight in relation to height.  While a BMI score of 18.5 to 24.9 generally indicates a healthy weight for adults, the BMI is restricted in how well it gauges body fat in older people or people who have lost muscle.  
    Measuring around your waist may let you know in the event that you carry more fat.  A waist circumference of more than 35 inches for women or 40 inches for men signifies increased risk for any number of health problems.  
Check with your health care provider if you have concerns about weight loss.
Healthy Eating
What types of foods do I want to eat as I age?  
Your body begins to want fewer calories when you get old, however, you need as many nutrients.  Nutrient-dense foods pack plenty of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that your body requires into a small amount of calories. Eat more of those nutrient-dense foods and should eat from the rainbow of foods rich in nutrients, such as these:
    Fruits and vegetables (select a range of types with vibrant colors)
    whole grains, like oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice
    fat-free or low-fat dairy and cheese, or soy or rice milk That's fortified with vitamin D and calcium
    fish, lean meats, poultry, and eggs
    legumes, nuts, and seeds
Some foods have calories but provide several nutrients.  Older adults should consume less of the below foods:
Sugar-sweetened drinks and desserts that have added sugars
White bread, rice, and pasta made from processed grains.
Here at A Caring Hand for Mom (and Dad) we try to provide you with information you can use to stay healthy.  When the time comes that you are considering moving to a retirement community or assisted living community call us.  We are licensed healthcare professionals that are happy to help you and we will never caharge you for our services.  So don't delay call us today 800-881-7706.
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